Definition of Ink bottle

1. Noun. A bottle of ink.

Exact synonyms: Inkpot
Generic synonyms: Bottle

Definition of Ink bottle

1. Noun. A bottle of ink, especially one which a pen may be dipped into; inkwell. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ink Bottle

injury of intervertebral disk
injury potential
injury potentials
injury severity score
injury time
ink-jet printer
ink blot tests
ink bottle
ink cartridge
ink eradicator
ink eradicators
ink erasers
ink fountain
ink pad
ink pads
ink slinger
ink well
ink wells

Literary usage of Ink bottle

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Living Age by Making of America Project, Eliakim Littell, Robert S. Littell (1868)
"Temple seemed to regard this little outburst as such an ordinary event that he dipped his pen into the ink-bottle, and was about to resume writing, ..."

2. The Library of Wit and Humor, Prose and Poetry: Selected from the Literature by Rufus Edmonds Shapley (1884)
"Andy went on his errand, and returned after some delay with au ink bottle. " Confound your numskull ! I didn't say a word about ink—I asked for a pen. ..."

3. Prison characters drawn from life, with suggestions for prison government by Frederick William Robinson (1866)
"INK-BOTTLE SMITH." A NN SMITH, better known as Ink-bottle -*- Smith, was a life-woman—a woman of about forty years of age at the time of my first ..."

4. The Living Age by Making of America Project, Eliakim Littell, Robert S. Littell (1876)
"said Jack ; and then — there was a small stone ink-bottle standing on the table, ... "What were you doing to make him throw the ink-bottle at you? ..."

5. The Region of the Eternal Fire: An Account of a Journey to the Petroleum by Charles Thomas Marvin (1891)
"... Morning in Odessa—The Town no longer an Ink-bottle in Winter and a Sand-box in Summer— Growth of Odessa—Its Position as the Capital of South ..."

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